Expert Guidance and Strategic Solutions for Navigating the Music IndustryGet Started
Music Industry Consulting offers personalized, one-on-one sessions designed to help recording artists, songwriters, and musicians navigate and thrive in the competitive music business. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your career to the next level, these consultations focus on artist development and addressing specific challenges you may face in your musical journey. From refining your music production and songwriting process to optimizing your digital marketing efforts and promoting your brand, a tailored approach ensures that your career is heading in the right direction. Topics covered during the consultations may include music CD reviews and branding, songwriting, also include building a marketing strategy, radio promotion, securing gigs, and how to make a lasting impact in the global music scene.
While clients can opt for a single session, the best results come from committing to a longer-term partnership. Whether you choose to work with Maureen Smith on a monthly basis or engage for a 3-month to 1-year period, an ongoing relationship will provide you with the support and strategic insight you need to develop your music and career in the music industry.
This can eventually lead into management as well.
Music Career Consulting provides expert guidance on how to advance your career across various sectors of the music industry. Whether you’re focused on music performing, creating a band, getting gigs, securing a record deal, developing your music and brand, songwriting, working at a studio, in the corporate sector or exploring teaching opportunities in the field and want to become a music educator, music career consulting sessions can cover a wide range of essential topics.
You’ll learn how to manage your career effectively, build relationships within the industry, and navigate the complexities of working with record labels, music publishers, and agents. Additionally, you’ll receive advice on how to market yourself and your music through digital platforms, create a long-term strategy for growth, and explore potential income sources within the industry. From artists to educators, music career consulting will help you understand the different career paths in music and offer you tailored support to help you succeed in your chosen niche and/or multiple areas of the music industry.

As every artist is usually at a different stage in their career with different goals, we offer different options depending on each persons individual needs and budget. Additionally we also have various marketing packages to get started on your digital marketing if you are not sure where to begin and just want to get started. White Eagle Promotions has worked with a variety of music genres and is open to various genres. To get started you first need to apply and fill out the Music Submission Form and we will then be in contact with you to schedule an appointment.
Maureen Smith, Promoter, Publisher, Music Industry Management Consultant, Producer, Vocal Coach, Recording Artist, Founder, CEO,
White Eagle Promotions, White Eagle Records Limited
Maureen Smith as a Music Promoter, Music Industry & Marketing Consultant, Pianist/ Vocalist, Recording Artist, Songwriter, Band Conductor, Music Educator, Publisher and Producer is multi-talented with over 30 years experience in the music industry and 40 years as a professional pianist/vocalist, music teacher, band conductor and coach. She provides consulting, resources, inspiration, and coaching for developing your music career in the music business, marketing and business plans. She is available for artist development services, marketing campaigns, telephone consulting, in person coaching, and email support on the following topics:
Artist Development, Songwriting, Strategic Marketing, Reviews of Cd/Demos, Distribution, Manufacturing, Marketing Plans Business Set Up, Music Contracts, Funding, Website Marketing, Newsletter and Email Marketing, Radio Promotion, Publishing, Producing, Getting Gigs , Recording, Making Money in Performing, Performance Anxiety , Vocal Coaching, Music Resources, Musician Injuries and Alternative Health
For further information on VOCAL COACHING and other related music services visit Maureen Smith Music Studio.

Billboard Music Nominee
" Top 100 Women in the Music Business" - December, 2010