Do you need to get your CDs or vinyl records in retail stores?

Digital Distribution

Reach major digital retail outlets online worldwide.

Physical Distribution

Sell your music in major retail chains and independent stores.

Everything you need to grow your business. Order our services today!

Get your music out in the stores and start selling and expanding your fanbase!
  • Launch your label and new releases to distributors and retail chains through our database of distributors and label contacts
  • Distribution Deals and placement of music in stores across Canada, USA and Europe with distributors
  • Establish retail marketing, advertising campaigns, strategic planning and manufacturing.
  • Cds sent out to various major and minor distribution companies helping to setup new releases
  • Distribution One Up Sheets
  • Proof of CD Jackets and Legal Checklist before manufacturing
  • Launch your label and new releases to the appropriate distributors and retail chains through our large database of distributors and label contacts
  • Keep an eye on your stock and availability of product
  • Replenish stock to the distributors
  • Make sure your Cds/DVDs are in the appropriate stores and markets
  • Oversee digital accounts and accuracy of information
  • Provide reports from stores and  access information on sales, availability of stock, replenishing stock, store pricing and promotions
  • Arrange in store performances and promotions
  • Keep distributors and buyers informed regularly about your product, touring and radio promotion
  • With our personal experience, we are equipped to advise and recommend  the best companies to best fit your needs.